Apakah Cloud Hosting itu?

Although cloud hosting brings a lot of benefits to the table, 96% of companies have faced significant issues with implementing a systematic strategy for their cloud server hosting. And the most significant part of that challenge is security management.

So, before you make a move to buy web hosting, i.e.cloud server for your website, let’s understand the best practices to secure cloud hosting services for your cloud-based website.

What is Cloud Hosting?

Cloud server hosting builds its infrastructure on the Internet, which means the Internet is a support system that drives cloud communication. Cloud hosting does not hold its webpage data on a single server; rather, it spreads across a number of servers in different places.

So, when you desire to access your website data, the virtual machine connects with different servers that are spread across the cloud to get you the information that you asked for.

Cloud Hosting Best Practices

  • Monitoring your network

Network monitoring is like having a security guard for your online space, which regularly checks your internal network for any notorious activities that could harm your webpage. This helps spot and fix problems before they cause damage.

Therefore, when making use of Cloud Hosting Security, it’s essential to ask your hosting provider:

  • How do they keep an eye on the network against any cyberattacks and online threats?
  • What kind of communication shall be used to let you know about these attacks or security issues?

Clear and concise answers help you take quick action to stop security problems or malware from spreading on your website.

  • Install firewall and SSL certificate.

A firewall and SSL certificate are two essential pillars that ensure the absolute security of your web hosting solution. A firewall creates a shield against any cyber threat and creates a strong wall against any authorized activities or unwanted traffic finding their way to your website.

On the other hand, SSL certificates create a layer of security when the data is communicated between your server and the audience browser. Hence, an SSL certificate provides a safe HTTPS protocol that ensures the hackers remain away from your webpage.

  • Limiting the access

Most cyber threat issues happen due to some kind of human error; therefore, in addition to training your team against such attacks, it is important to take a step further and limit who can access your servers and systems.

Only people who are trusted, like system admins, specific IP addresses, and trained experts, should have access to server data. This not only ensures that your systems are safe but also stops insider fraud.

  • Keep your system updated

OS, applications, and software developers release regular updates to address any security loopholes in their programs; therefore, it is essential to ensure that you install these updates as soon as they are released.

  • Distributed Denial of Service Protection

A Distributed Denial of Service attack is one of the most common attacks that brings down web servers. Hence, use a server with DDoS protection to identify malicious traffic and thwart any DDoS attack.

  • Have regular backup

The most important thing is to back up your server regularly, as it will ensure that even if there is a security breach, you can regain your data and restore services quickly.


Hackers are always on the lookout for some weak spots in your security to sneak into your server. But by adopting these above practices consistently from your end, you can ensure high data security and protection against online attacks on your website.